The city of Tandil is located 460 km from
the Capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. It is surrounded by wide open
fields where wheat and corn is grown. It is a place where quiet contemplation
and reflection come naturally.
Maria Brunswig lived and worked here. She would be the one to take
her mothers letters, Ella Hoffman de Brunswig, and organize a fascinating
record of what life was like in Patagonia for a pioneering family
in the early twenties. Brunswig writes to her grandparents in Germany
and mirrors with unusual intensity the adventures and challenges
of arriving in South America and moving to Patagonia from a European
Brunswig writes to her mother about the new world she is discovering
and the transformations that little by little she experiences. She
washes clothe in a stream, cleans, sows, eats the eggs of ostriches,
and even slaughters lambs. She also learns a language and customs
that were unknown to her and makes time for providing her three
daughters with a first rate education. Her compelling record becomes
a family chronicle that opens new horizons on her new adopted country.
The third of February of 1923, Ella Hoffman descends from the steam
ship Vigo on the Buenos Aires harbor. She is with her three daughters,
the 6 year old twins Irene and Ana Luisa, and Maria who is nine.
Also with them, is Berta Freytag, the maid. Her trip continues South..
The 5 of February, "Ella" and her group will board another
steamship that will take them to San Julian, located on the coast
of Patagonia.

Lake Ghío, november, 1923. Bridges, Ella
& Cossentine.
In front: Iya, María & Asse.
Once there, there will be a three day car ride to the ranch of
Lago Ghio. There she will re-unite with her husband, Hermann Brunswig,
a former sea captain. They had been separated for three years and
a half
And so, the journey barely began, and that originates with the hardships
undergone in war-torn Germany, takes us to the hopes and dreams
of the new world and the wealth that the Patagonia promises.
In her dreams of reaching Argentina - to make a fortune to return
to Germany - did not expect to be faced by the charm of Patagonia.
The land’s austerity and its remoteness would change her life
Ella Hoffmann’s life is an extraordinary example of the conquest
of Patagonia, of the wit and courage of the first settlers, and
of how they learned to love and tame a hostile land filled with
The lives they were forced to live, encouraged